Monday, February 20, 2012

Learning to Walk

I can't believe he will be 18 months in just a few days.  He has become a master army crawler.  Maybe he will get up on all fours and crawl someday?  We hope so, but if not, he has started to learn to explore his world in his own way.  In a quick way!   If one of us walks out of the kitchen into the laundry room you will soon see Joey's little blonde head poking around the corner.  

He spends an inordinate amount of time wearing socks, shoes and no pants to help him with sensory input and traction.  

Oh yeah, baby!!!  Who needs pants when you are this cute?

In addition to learning to crawl we are also working on learning how to stand and eventually how to walk.

The first year of his life I worried about milestones and measurements.  For one reason or another, those aren't such a huge concern anymore.  We know that eventually Joey will walk.  We know that one day he will say "mama" and not giggle at me every time I try to get him to say it.  Not unlike "island time", he is on "Joey time".   And that's okay, because every minute of it is more beautiful than the last.

What are you learning to do?

Mommy and Tommy's weekly Starbuck's date. 

Love that Joey is holding onto a picture of his brother. 
This was the scene at Target the other night.... 


  1. oh my goodness Jen, the dogs on the truck crack me up!! great pics of the boys and I love the reference to "island time"...we all have our own drummers and are lucky to enjoy one another's music...LOVE YOU!

  2. I heard about this Target scene from someone else!! Great pictures! Your boys are getting so big and handsome!
    Love the new look of your blog as well!

    1. Thank you Susan! I couldn't believe all those dogs outside of Target-- all by themselves! :-) Thank you for commenting and reading the blog! Hope to see you soon! Hugs-- Jen

  3. Love the pic of Joey minus pants! Love chubby legs :-)

    1. PS-- I added The Hailey Herald to our Blog Roll! :-) I need to go through and add all the ones we follow!

  4. Those are some of the cutest, chubbiest little legs I have ever seen. It would be nearly impossible for me not to pinch on them constantly if they were in my life.

    1. Awww-- thank you, Debbie! They are pretty irresistible!!!


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