Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Surgery update-- off bypass!!!

Just spoke to surgeon and Joey did an amazing job!!!

He is off bypass and is getting closed up.

Hope to see him in an hour or so.

Hugs and thanks!!!


  1. I'm so glad to gear that it is going well.

  2. Great news! Keep us posted!

  3. I know that I already posted on FB but please know that I am praying that all goes well through the night. From my past experience as a PICU/CICU RN, I know that the first few nights are the most difficult, BUT I know that Joey is a super rock star and will do great. The fact that he got off the by-pass so easily is a testament to his strength. Hang in there. Prayers and thoughts and love.

  4. phew.... prayers for you guys and joey (and tommy).


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