Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prayers for Mason

Today it is our turn to pray for Meagan and Mason.  

Mason is having his open heart surgery today and we pray that the doctors, nurses and staff may be guided by God's hands as they repair this beautiful baby's heart.   

We also pray for his family as they go through what can only be described as one of the most difficult acts of relinquishing control.  Handing over your beautiful child to an anesthesiologist as they put them into a quiet sleep before the heart surgery begins.

Meagan and Mason are our cyber friends and when Joey had his turn at open heart surgery on June 8th, they prayed for us.

About 1 out of every 2 children born with Down syndrome have some kind of congenital heart defect.  Out of those children, about 1 out of 4 will require surgical repair.  Joey and Mason's defects both required surgical repair.

Today we are grateful that Joey and Mason have blessed us with their very presence.  Both boys were diagnosed with cystic hygromas while in utero.  Both boys were given a 2-3% chance of ever being born.  For their amazing and beautiful lives we are so very grateful and humbled.  For their fighting spirits and courageous souls we are blessed.

As Meagan said on her blog-- prayers are what got both of our boys here.

If you think about it, at some point today, please say a little prayer for our friend, Mason.

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